Services & Resources


ETS provides tutorial services to ETS Scholars when requested in addition to connecting students with community and school tutoring resources.

ACT Bootcamps are offered once in the fall semester and at least once in the spring semester prior to the ACT national test date. Online ACT test prep is also offered year-round on the PhotoStudy Tutoring platform. 

ETS Study Hall

 ** Coming Soon **

One-on-One Mentor Tutor

If a scholar desires a one-on-one ETS Mentor to work within a certain subject, they can submit a request. This is done by contacting their ETS Education Specialist.

After-School Clubs

After-School Middle and High School Clubs

ETS creates opportunities to ensure middle and high school students gain a well-rounded education. Clubs focus on career exploration, college readiness, and academic preparedness.

To learn the specific details for your school, contact your Education Specialist.

Two students hang out

College Visits

ETS has at least one visit to an in-state college during the day each semester as well as one overnight trip to out-of-state colleges in the summer. Students take a tour of the college, learn about the programs offered, and get to ask questions to university faculty, staff, and students.

We also offer a yearly event called “Day in the Life of a College Student” where students get to attend college classes, eat in the dining hall, visit resources on campus, and engage with current college students.

  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • University of Nebraska-Omaha
  • Southeast Community College
  • University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
  • University of Minnesota-Rochester
  • Minnesota School of Art and Design
  • University of Kansas
  • Haskell Indian Nation University
  • Kansas State University
  • Wayne State College
  • Iowa State University
  • Drake University
  • Grand View University
  • Iowa Western Community College
Students on college campus tour
Students attend a banquet during a regional conference and campus visit

Financial Literacy Workshops

Middle and High School Students and their families are invited to attend any of our financial literacy workshops where we bring in professionals to provide strategies on budgeting and saving. Other topics include the basics of debit and credit, purchasing a home or car, and paying for college. 

Career Exploration

We help students pursue their career interests by offering:

  • Interview preparation
  • Mock Interviews
  • Job search assistance
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Career interest inventories
  • College major exploration
  • Career exploration field trips
  • Cookies & Careers – a career exploration program exposing ETS Scholars to speakers in each of the 16 career pathways with cookies to follow the careers discussion

For Seniors


ETS offers a series of workshops for high school Seniors throughout the year with topics such as: Applying for College, Applying to Scholarships, and Filling out the FAFSA.


We encourage ETS Scholars to apply for scholarships such as those through the following listings: 

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

Apply online at by June 30 at 11:59 p.m. 


EducationQuest provides free college planning services, including help filling out the FAFSA and finding scholarships. They also can help with researching colleges, exploring career options, and finding resources. 

Summer Programming

ETS provides programming for scholars to continue learning during the summer break to prevent the summer melt and get a kick start on the next school year.

  • Middle School Summer Program: 4-week program for middle school ETS Scholars taught on UNL Campus daily during the month of June
  • Coding and Robotics Program: Learn to program Sphero Bolt Robots as well as other introductory coding lessons
  • Cookies & Careers: A career exploration program exposing ETS Scholars to speakers in each of the 16 career pathways with Ccokies to follow after the careers discussion
  • Job Skills Workshop Series: resume building, mock interviews, and other job application strategies.
  • Campus Visits: visit in-state and out-of-state colleges and universities
  • Career Field Trips