We offer a wide range of support and services to promote the academic success of our students to help them successfully graduate. Student Support Services is centrally located in Canfield North, room 220. This is the building directly west of the Nebraska Union.
Resources for TRIO Scholars
Academic Services
Personal Advising & Mentoring
To help each TRIO Scholar succeed, we offer:
- Success coaches available to every student.
- Guidance for students transferring from 2-year institutions to 4-year colleges/universities.
- Advice and assistance in postsecondary course selection.
- Assistance with researching and applying for admission to graduate and professional programs.
Peer Mentoring Program
This program helps TRIO Scholars during their first year and beyond. Students receive assistance through their transition to college to foster academic, career, and personal/social growth. They will acquire the knowledge, experiences, and skillsets needed to succeed in college and to prepare life beyond graduation. This program provides:
- Leadership opportunities
- Personal development
- Character building
- Academic support
- Professional networking
TRIO Advisory Council
This advisory council offers a platform for TRIO Scholars to provide insights, feedback, suggestions, etc. to the Student Support Services staff. Interested TRIO Scholars may apply to serve on the advisory council to represent student-centered ideas for ongoing programmatic and service improvements.
Canvas Course
A TRIO Scholars Canvas course is currently available to help keep students informed about opportunities and resources. All SSS students automatically receive an invitation to the online course upon acceptance to the program. A variety of course modules offer the following information:
- Campus and career events
- Tutoring services
- Mentoring activities
- TRIO Thirty Talks
- Student resources (including Lincoln community contacts)
- Workshop videos
- Specific internship and job listings
- Financial literacy
- Scholarships and financial aid
- Career exploration and preparation
- Counseling and well-Being
This course also features announcements about events, activities and program updates.
Financial Aid & Financial Literacy Education
Financial Aid
The following types of assistance are available to TRIO Scholars:
- Information about student financial aid programs and scholarships.
- Assistance with completing financial aid applications.
- Grant aid to income-eligible first- and second-year TRIO Scholars.
- Funds to support academic activities for eligible juniors and seniors.
Financial Literacy
To increase financial knowledge and understanding, we offer:
- Workshops, educational trainings and classes.
- Personal counseling.
Academic Activity Request form
The TRIO Scholars Academic Activity Request is available to eligible TRIO Scholars who are juniors and seniors. This request is valued at $100 - $300.
Starting in their first year, TRIO Scholars may earn points to receive this funding by taking SSS classes, participating in SSS tutoring sessions, attending events, etc. These points can add up throughout the time that they actively participate in the UNL TRIO Scholars Program. During their junior and senior years, students may submit a completed Academic Activity Request valued up to $300 to use toward supplies for a Senior Capstone project, assisting with expenses/fees to attend an academic field trip, present work at a research conference, a ticket to attend an event, participate in an Education Abroad opportunities, etc.
Building Community
TRIO Scholars are encouraged to engage with one another and activities to enhance their learning experience. We offer:
- Access to academic enrichment activities and events.
- Assistance in planning Education Abroad opportunities.
Trio Scholars Lounge
- Our office offers three separate rooms which features space for study lounges, reading nooks, large screen conferencing, in-person and/or virtual meetings, tutoring sessions and engaging in conversations with others.
- Two days a week, students have the opportunity to interact with a nationally trained therapy dog.
- Students may check out laptop computers and calculators to use.
- Laser printers are available for students to print materials for coursework in black/white and color.
- Commuter students have access to a fridge for lunches, microwave for reheating food, storage lockers, and a place to relax and unwind.
Campus Connections
Regularly scheduled appointments are available in the Student Support Services Office at 220 Canfield to offer students a convenient, centralized location to meet with campus collaborative partners representing the following departments:
- Biweekly Career Services appointments are available for assistance with resume preparation, job hunting, and career counseling.
- Biweekly counseling sessions with a therapist from Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).
- Consultations with Education Abroad staff to explore opportunities for engaging in global experiences with other countries.
- Meetings with the Assistant Director of Community Engagement find leadership and community building opportunities that match your interests on campus and/or in the community.
- Collaborations with Writing Lincoln Initiative colleagues to participate in student-centered writing workshops and literacy-based events.
Research Opportunities
FYRE program
The Office of Undergraduate Research provides research opportunities for TRIO Scholars by introducing them to the UCARE program and undergraduate research opportunities across campus. Workshops are provided which assist with identifying a faculty mentor and writing strong proposals for UCARE funding. First-year SSS students are eligible to participate in FYRE. The Office of Undergraduate Research partners with SSS to promote this opportunity to students as soon as they arrive on campus. The Office of Undergraduate Research also offers travel grants to support students presenting their research at regional or national conferences.