The Regular Upward Bound program encourages student retention through high school graduation while also preparing students to excel in a college environment.
Benefits to Sophomores & Juniors Benefits to SeniorsStudent Retention & Graduation
We help students remain engaged through high school to achieve a diploma. Our programs offer:
- Guidance and assistance in secondary re-entry
- Summer programming to take core classes
- Stipend reward system for participation
- Cultural and educational events
- Robotics and Oculus Quest2
- Goal setting and future planning using Student Success Plans
- Senior programming
Post-Graduation Preparation
We help students get to graduation and think about next steps. Our programs offer:
- Advising for a rigorous course of study
- Enrollment in The Career Academy
- One-on-one tutoring
- Advising in dual enrollment courses
- Core Curriculum in Summer Program
- College Readiness Planning Program
Post-Secondary Enrollment
We help students prepare for college, community college and trade or vocational education. Our programs offer:
- Advising in post-secondary course selection
- A summer program that replicates college
- Assistance with financial aid, scholarship and college applications
- Career exploration and job shadowing
- College visits
- Preparation for college entrance exams
- Financial/economic literacy workshops
- Information on financial aid programs
- Summer Launch Program
Post-Secondary Preparation
We help students achieve their post-secondary educational goals. Our programs offer:
- Summer Launch Program
- Introductions to and planning for college life
- Connections to support programs (TRIO SSS)
- Continued connections on UNL-UB Alumni page and reunions
- Workshops in research and library skills
- Introductions at college being attended
- Connections through social networking
Benefits to Sophomores & Juniors

Benefits to Seniors